RBC Canadian Open

Oakdale Golf & Country Club

Course Rankings

The Best Golf Courses in Louisiana

We rank the top venues in Louisiana (2021-'22)
September 28, 2021
  1. (1) Squire Creek C.C., Choudrant
  2. (2) The C.C. of Louisiana, Baton Rouge
  3. (NR) The Bluffs on Thompson Creek, St. Francisville (currently closed)
  4. (4) Koasati Pines G.C., Kinder ^
  5. (5) TPC Louisiana, Avondale ^ (pictured above)

Watch Golf Digest’s latest “Every Hole At” course videos below:

(2019-'20 ranking in parentheses)
America's 100 Greatest Course
America's Second 100 Greatest
^ Public-access course
NR Not rated in 2019-’20

Some courses are ranked in Best in State but did not receive enough ballots to be considered for national lists.

America’s 100 Greatest & America’s Second 100 Greatest requires a minimum of 75 evaluations accumulated within 10 years, 100 Greatest Public 35 evaluations and Best in State 30 ballots. While a few highly ranked state courses do have a higher score than 100 Greatest, Second 100 Greatest or 100 Greatest Public courses within that state, and are listed above them, they will not appear on a national ranking until achieving the qualifying ballots.